Copyright 2005-2024 Cabinet Planner LLC
"A+++ Great product and service. Thumbs Up."- T. H. Oregon.


I have been playing with your very efficient and easy to use program for about 4 days. I have been impressed with how you have created a data entry system that with very simple input from the user, a very complex and detailed virtual environment can be created. I have sampled, at cost, several other CAD type applications, and have found that they leave me wanting more time in my day!!! The typical CAD program or Architectural design program requires a significant investment of time, just to learn
how to enter a simple cabinet or wall unit. You end up investing more time in your tool, than your tool saving you time. We all know God created woodworking tools, I mean his Son was a master carpenter, So thank God for Your TOOL!!! I haven't even paid for it YET!, It is already saving me TIME, and with all the detail that your cut lists provide, Its saving me money! Not to mention the savings of roughly $3400 that I was about to pay for K** w. I don't currently need a CAM output engine, I dont have an automated router system, yet! I need a simple system that allows me with just a set of measurements to create a floor plan of the structure, and then design a solution for my customers needs. Thats It.

I am a satisfied Pre-Customer, I cant wait to be a Supporting Customer, You Got it RIGHT!

W. P. Perry
Perryville Customs,
On-Location in Louisiana

I just wanted to write and thank you for a product that has truly give me time back. The last cabinet job I designed , drew, bid and figured materials for took me well over 16 hrs with auto cad. Yesterday I designed two cabinet jobs complete with shop drawings, materials, elevations,floor plans, master lists and a bid in just under 6 hrs. Your product paid for it self the very first time I used it.Thanks again,
J. Gardenier, Oklahoma"

"Hi Rob, I just wanted to say thank you, this program makes my job a lot easier. I have done 12 jobs
with it and so far every part size has been correct. Truly amazing!"- D. L. Ontario

"this is an incredible program, thank you for creating it"- J. K., South Africa

"wanted to let you know that the program is working just great and it helps get the work out faster"- K.
T., Louisiana

I have been in the custom home construction business for 35 years and have never been without work and the reason is we pride ourselves on our customer service during the construction and after the closing. You offer the same service. You show the same pride in your work." Thank You, Ron

Rob, Tried your suggestion and it works perfectly! Thanks for the help, I was shocked you answered my email that quickly. Customer service is tough to find these days but you certainly take it to an all time high! Thanks again for the help and please keep up the great work! Sincerely, Mike C.

Rob, Thank you for the speedy reply. I am impressed!!! As far as having a set of plans/drawing, I do not have anything. I am just getting started. -Don

Rob, I just purchased Cabinet Planner. Thank you for a great product at a good price. Thank you again. -
Jason S.

Rob, Thanks it Works alright by the way God bless you for coming up with such good programme and
yet very affordable to everyone. -Henry B.

I must say I really like the way your program is set up, with just a little bit of time I was drawling kitchens. Thanks, keep up the good work. -Michael L.

Over a period extending from 6:00 am 11/11/07, through 4:00 am 11/12/07 I downloaded 6 trial versions of this type of software. The prices ranged from $46.00 to over $500.00. I found your program to be the best suited to my needs, and JUST AS IMPORTANT, the easiest to use. THANK YOU!

I spent 18 years working in large cabinet shops (managing for the last 10)and early this year I decided to open up my own shop. One of the first purchases I made for my business was CP and It has proven to be indispensable. I couldn't afford the CabnetWare that I had been using for several years and AutoCad is just too slow. Thank you for putting out such a great product.

P.S. The 3D viewer is outstanding! My wife thought I spent a fortune on some new software when she saw it.....haha -Unknown, from survey

When I downloaded the program I wasn't sure if it was something I would be able to figure out. I have fooled around with Corel Draw and Generic Cad in the past and never became accomplished enough to make them useful to me. With your program I downloaded the program Friday eve and by Sat eve had a full kitchen drawing; cabs, appliances, island, pantry, and desk. With the 3D viewer I could really get a feel for the space.

Overall great program, easy to use, intuitive, good help index, great price.


I was looking for a simple cabinet program that would be easy for me to use. I stumbled across yours after placing a search on eBay. I downloaded the free trial and tried it. It was just what I wanted. Thanks!
- Don F. Kansas

my name is Bobby W. I am excited to use your program thank you for your talent and time, making this
affordable for small cabinet shops is a blessing

I just wanted you to know that I think your program is great, and I have been using it exclusively for the past year for all my projects. I’m glad to see you keep the upgrades coming, especially the 3D and ability to import other cabs. A Smith

Here's a kitchen we designed using Cabinet Planner. The program has made it easier for us in many ways. We can show clients 3D images of the final kitchen layouts before we even make them, that way they can make changes if they want. Well, thanks a lot. G Pantaleon

I love your software. I think that it is great that a real cabinet man developed a program that is affordable and has maximum design qualities. Thanks so much for your desire to make the software. Tommy G
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