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Setting drawer sizes in 3 drawer base
Post by RedMorgan on Aug 16th, 2017, 07:17am


I need to set the 3 drawers as different sizes but only see a way to set the top and the middle size. I had this issue with the 4 drawer base and figured it out somehow, but don't remember how and now my customer requested just 3 drawers and wants the top drawer to be the typical 5.75 inches, the middle drawer to be 7.5 inches and the bottom drawer to be 11.75 inches. I am totally stumped on how to change this.


Re: Setting drawer sizes in 3 drawer base
Post by Rob on Aug 16th, 2017, 4:25pm

On the 3 drawer base the bottom opening is whatever is left over after taking the cabinet height and deducting the top rail, middle rails, bottom rail, toe kick and the two upper opening heights.

The 4 drawer base is the same but uses the three upper openings.